Course "Introduction to Electrostatic Discharge ESD"
In 2025, the German ESD FORUM e.V. will offer another course "Introduction to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)". Focus topics are charging and discharging and mitigation measures in manufacturing, handling, and transport of ESD-sensitive components. Further topics are ESD robustness testing of electronic components, ESD risk assessment, and the threat due to electrical overstress (EOS).
The course in the German language will be held on May 27/28, in Technologie Centrum Westbayern in Noerdlingen. Further information and a registration form are included in the flyer.
ESD Technician Trainings
The ESD Technician Training is still very popular. In 2024, the next course in German language is scheduled November 11-14, 2024 in Noerdlingen (information and registration). In 2025, courses in German language are scheduled April 7-10, 2025 (information and registration), and November 10-13, 2025 (information and registration), both in Noerdlingen. The course in English language is planned October 13-16, 2025 in Dresden (information and registration).
Guideline for Vehicle Manufacturers
After the release of the German revision 2.0 of the Guideline of the ESD FORUM e.V. for Vehicle Manufacturers (RL 1012) the English revision 2.0 has now also been completed and can be downloaded right away.
Guideline on Machines and Installation
The German and English revision 2.0 of the Guideline of the ESD FORUM e.V. on the ESD Risk Assessment of Machines and Installations (RL 1013) has been completed and can be downloaded right away.